Taste of Love Rewilding Retreat
to Nov 14

Taste of Love Rewilding Retreat

Rewilding Heart & Soul – this week long training allows the participant to reconnect with the deepest part of themselves.

The training is facilitated by Marion Ellyard, who has been in the field of personal development for over 26 years. She is also a qualified counsellor and has trained in many somatic, body based psychosomatic therapies, and psychoanalysis.

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The Initiation Journey
to Nov 23

The Initiation Journey

Surrender - Allow - Dance
Laugh and invoke our inner child.
Activate our bodies through sacred Ritual.
Remember who we actually are as men in this lifetime
Re-Discover your reason for existence.
During these seven days you will go through a series of experiential journeys designed to support you in initiating yourself into integrated wholeness.

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Music Production Retreat with Merkaba Music
to Sep 29

Music Production Retreat with Merkaba Music

Producers, music makers and creators from all over the world, join us this September for a special retreat designed to infuse your soul with the heartbeat of creativity!

Embark on a journey that transcends ordinary experiences, delving into the realms of creative living, music craftsmanship, and the captivating mysteries and mythos that surround our world.

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Nature Calling - Advanced Ecotherapy Training
to Aug 20

Nature Calling - Advanced Ecotherapy Training

More people than ever are waking up the fact that they need a deeper connection with nature. Ecotherapy answers that call. Let Dr Geoff Berry and his team provide you with a robust and clear set of definitions, practices, skills and answers, so that you can offer this service to clients who are looking for a more authentic expression of their inner nature and improved relationships with their kin on this beautiful planet.

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Deep Ecology Workshop with John Seed
to Jun 9

Deep Ecology Workshop with John Seed

Deep ecology is key to the change we need. To deep ecology, underlying all the symptoms of the environmental crisis lies a psychological or spiritual root – the illusion of separation from the rest of the natural world which stems from anthropocentrism or human-centeredness.

This workshop enables us to find an end to the illusion of separation and experience our rootedness in the living Earth.

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to May 11


Wild Woman is an immersive initiation for embodying your untamed, badass that the earth needs now.

This is Australia's premier wild women's event that's unlike anything else available in the country (or the world). This immersion weaves together transformational nature connection practices to help you access the wildest, most authentic, purpose-rich version of yourself that is deeply grounded in her personal power and her allyship with the Earth.

These practices include:

  • Bushcraft skills (fire by friction, bush foods, shelter building, weaving and cordage, wild ceramics, sensory awareness skills etc)

  • Eco-somatics, dance and embodiment

  • Guided nature connection meditations and journeys

  • ​​​Mythical storytelling around the fire

  • ​​​​​A solo campout or mini ‘soul quest’ to sit deeply with yourself and connect to the land

  • Welcome to Country ceremony with a local Elder, and more!


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Nature Calling - Advanced Ecotherapy Training
to Apr 30

Nature Calling - Advanced Ecotherapy Training

More people than ever are waking up the fact that they need a deeper connection with nature. Ecotherapy answers that call. Let Dr Geoff Berry and his team provide you with a robust and clear set of definitions, practices, skills and answers, so that you can offer this service to clients who are looking for a more authentic expression of their inner nature and improved relationships with their kin on this beautiful planet.

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Animas Quest
to Feb 5

Animas Quest

This contemporary Western embodiment of the ancient, pan-cultural vision fast is a dynamic wilderness rite for all who are seeking greater depth and clarity about life purpose and meaning. As a rite of initiation, the quest is a ceremonial descent to the underworld, in which you die to your familiar way of belonging to the world, uncover the passion and wisdom of your soul, and retrieve the gift that is yours alone to bring to the world, enhancing personal fulfillment and genuine service.

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Soulcraft Intensive
to Jan 21

Soulcraft Intensive

The Soulcraft Intensive is a five-day experiential plunge into the wild depths of Soulcraft; a synergistic set of nature-based practices designed to evoke the life-shifting experience of soul encounter. Your soul is your true self, those qualities that most deeply define and express who you are and the unique gift that you were born to bring to the world, a world so much in need of the socially transforming contributions of initiated, actively engaged adults.

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to Nov 26


Magdalena is a journey into the heart of the feminine mysteries. It is a return to the spiral path through the initiations of life, death and renewal. Magdalena opens the inner worlds of magic, ritual and earth wisdom. Through a surrendered heart we enter the temple in devotion to all life as love.

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Dancing Freedom Facilitator Training 2023
to Oct 5

Dancing Freedom Facilitator Training 2023



Are you are ready to step deeper into your leadership and join a dynamic, collaborative, spiritual community that is making a BIG difference in the world – while also giving your body the gift of an immersive, purposeful and fulfilling 15 day dance experience?


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Taste of Love Rewilding Retreat
to Nov 6

Taste of Love Rewilding Retreat

Rewilding Heart, Sex & Soul – this week long training allows the participant to reconnect with the deepest part of themselves.

The training is facilitated by Marion Ellyard, who has been in the field of personal development for over 26 years. She is also a qualified counsellor and has trained in many somatic, body based psychosomatic therapies, and psychoanalysis.

The training as the word says, Rewilding, has to do with helping each individual find, and strip themselves of layers that are obstructing the naturally intended powerful energy and lifeforce flow in their bodies.

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Dancing Freedom Facilitator Training 2022
to Sep 28

Dancing Freedom Facilitator Training 2022



Are you are ready to step deeper into your leadership and join a dynamic, collaborative, spiritual community that is making a BIG difference in the world – while also giving your body the gift of an immersive, purposeful and fulfilling 15 day dance experience?


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TaKeTiNa Mindfulness in Motion
to Sep 11

TaKeTiNa Mindfulness in Motion

“TaKeTiNa is mindfulness in motion, where the body becomes the instrument, and guided rhythm journeys invite states of timelessness and deep rhythmic flow, creating an exhilarating inner silence as well as a wellspring of musical creativity” - Tania Bosak.

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Deep Ecology, Council of all beings with John Seed
to Aug 28

Deep Ecology, Council of all beings with John Seed

“All indigenous societies have ceremonies that allow the community to remember our interconnectedness with nature and to honour ‘all our relations’. These rituals are not an “initiation”, something done once which then signifies a permanent transition to adulthood or other change of status. Rather, such ceremonies are an ongoing, regular, many times a year kind of thing which I think speaks to this - If you want to keep the change, you need to find a way to include such ceremonies in your life at every opportunity.” - John Seed

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Deep Ecology Workshop with John Seed
to Jun 19

Deep Ecology Workshop with John Seed

The Rainforest Information Centre presents

DEEP ECOLOGY with John Seed


I have worked for worldwide rainforests since 1979. Although many of our efforts succeeded, for every forest saved 100 have disappeared. Clearly, you can’t save the planet one forest at a time. It's one green Earth or a bowl of dust. Without a profound change of consciousness, we can kiss the forests goodbye, the ones we’ve "saved" alongside the rest.

Deep ecology is key to the change we need. To deep ecology, underlying all the symptoms of the environmental crisis lies a psychological or spiritual root – the illusion of separation from the rest of the natural world which stems from anthropocentrism or human-centeredness.

Conditioned since the Old Testament to “subdue and dominate” nature, the modern psyche is radically alienated from the air, water and soil which underpin life and this is reflected in the rapid shredding of all-natural systems in the name of economic development. Deep ecology reminds us that the world is not a pyramid with humans on top, but a web. We, humans, are but one strand in that web and as we destroy this web, we destroy the foundations for all complex life including our own.

While we maintain a self-image created in the matrix of anthropocentric culture, a shrunken and illusory sense of self that doesn't include the air and water and soil, we will experience nature as "outside" our self and fail to recognise that nature "out there" and nature "in here" are one and the same.

Many people INTELLECTUALLY realise that we are inseparable from Nature and that the sense of separation that we feel is socially conditioned and illusory.

But as the late Arne Naess, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at Oslo University, the man who coined the term "Deep Ecology" wrote: "it is not enough to have ecological ideas, we have to have an ecological identity, ecological self".

But how can we nourish our ecological identity? In answer to such questions,  Joanna Macy and I developed a series of experiential deep ecology rituals called the “Council of All Beings” and in 1986, with Arne Naess and Pat Flemming,  wrote a  book called Thinking Like A Mountain - Towards a Council of All Beings (which has been translated into 12 languages). Along with others, we have been facilitating these workshops around the world since then.

In this workshop we remember our rootedness in nature, recapitulate our evolutionary journey and experience the fact that every cell in our body is descended in an unbroken chain 4 billion years old, through fish that learned to walk the land, reptiles whose scales turned to fur and became mammals, evolving through to the present.

We further extend our sense of identity in the Council of All Beings itself where we find an ally in the natural world, make a mask to represent that ally, and allow the animals and plants and landscapes to speak through us. We are shocked at the very different view of the world that emerges from their dialogue. Creative suggestions for human actions emerge and we invoke the powers and knowledge of these other life-forms to empower us in our lives.

One of the rituals we will share is honouring our pain for the world: we grieve for all that is being torn from our world, the species lost, the landscapes destroyed. Only if we can allow ourselves to feel the pain of the Earth, can we be effective in Her healing. This is why the Vietnamese Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, has said that in order to heal the Earth,  "the most important thing that we can do is to hear, inside ourselves,  the sounds of the Earth crying". 

This workshop enables us to find an end to the illusion of separation and experience our rootedness in the living Earth.

Tickets are sliding scale from $150-$450 if you bring your own tent

$50 to be paid on arrival for dorm accommodation if you bring your own bedding, or an additional $35 for the venue to provide these

If the workshop is cancelled, a full refund will be offered

Vegetarian meals, gluten-free and vegan options by request 

To make this as covid safe as possible (given that there's more covid per capita in this country than anywhere in the world right now!) everyone who wants to join us must agree to a RAT test on Fri 17th before leaving home and also agree to stay home if positive or showing any symptoms.

25% of the proceeds will be donated to protect Ecuador’s rainforests

Access to the site by 4WD or AWD only. If you are in a 2WD, we will shuttle you from the car park. To minimise the impact on the land, we  want the minimum number of cars possible and will organise ride shares.

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Permaculture Immersion - Wild Camp Design
to May 1

Permaculture Immersion - Wild Camp Design

Immerse yourself in 4 days of garden and cultural connections within the Agroecology Framework. A community gathering and knowledge sharing with leaders of the agroforestry movement in the Northern Rivers region. The desire for community building, food resilience and regenerative living will provide a backdrop to plan and design an existing site according to regenerative principles.

More Information Here

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to Mar 8


Hosted by HHUG inc (Holding Hands Under Ground Incorporated, the not-for-profit organisation that hosts Renew Fest and other full-system regenerative change projects) in collaboration with local councils, disaster agencies, Indigenous leaders, community organisations and neighbourhood groups across the Northern Rivers. Running May 2021 to May 2023. Funded by Resilience NSW through the Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund.

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Agroecology Immersion
to Nov 8

Agroecology Immersion

Immerse yourself in 4 days of garden and cultural connections within the Agroecology Framework. This will be a gathering and knowledge sharing by some leaders of the agro forestry movement in the Northern Rivers region. The desire for community building, food resilience and regenerative living will provide a backdrop to plan and design an existing site according to regenerative principles.

More Information Here

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